
New xbox one video games 2016
New xbox one video games 2016

Jonathan Blow's poured plenty of money and time into this follow-up to Braid, a game that feels like it almost single-handedly kickstarted an entire industry.

new xbox one video games 2016

  • Release date: January 26th on PS4, other platforms to follow.
  • For now, though, in (very) rough order of release date, these are the 50 titles coming in 2016 that we're most excited for. There'll be unexpected pleasures to be found in quiet corners of Steam there's whatever Nintendo has in store for the end of the year, potentially on a new console and there are the uncharted territories that the realisation of virtual reality in the home will bring.

    new xbox one video games 2016

    But, as ever, there's a good chance that many of this year's most exciting titles aren't to be found in the list we've compiled below, for the simple reason that we don't know about them yet. There's also the almost incomprehensible possibility that we'll have played both The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy 15 by year's end.

    new xbox one video games 2016

    Both Xbox One and PS4 have hit their stride, and this year we should begin to see some of the big-hitters stepping outside their comfort zones with bold titles like Crackdown 3 and Horizon: Zero Dawn, while smaller developers delight with the likes of Firewatch and Tacoma. 2015 was a pretty sweet year for video games, and 2016 has the potential to be something truly special.

    New xbox one video games 2016